Career College Versus Public Community College

What is different about attending a Career College like Trillium College VS Public Community Colleges like Niagara College, Mohawk College, St Lawrence College, and Durham College?

Trillium College is registered as a career college and programs approved as vocational programs under the Career Colleges Act, 2005.Β Public Community Colleges such as Niagara College, Mohawk College St. Lawrence College, and Durham College operate under a separate branch.

There are benefits you may experience when attending a Career College like Trillium College, that the Public Community Colleges may not offer.

For example:

  • Small Class Sizes
  • Modular Based Learning
  • Fixed Block Schedules
  • Frequent Start Dates

A Trillium College student will find that theΒ Campus is very student focused and always puts the students goal’s first.