If you chose to pursue a career as an esthetician it’s probably for a few reasons.

Whether you like makeup, have great customer service skills or have always had a passion about making a difference in the beauty world, you have a pretty good idea of why you chose to study esthetics. As many other programs, it is one experience to study and learn about esthetics, but practicing can sometimes even be different from what you expected.

Like any post-secondary program, we learn from our professors’ experiences and the fundamental skills required in order to succeed in the industry we want to be part of. It is what we choose to do with our skillset that determines the way our careers shape out to be. The truth is, everyone will probably have a different path to their own success, which is okay. As long as you are passionate about what you are doing, the rest should come naturally.

There are many different career opportunities in esthetics that range from salon and spa treatment, to at home salon practices. The possibilities and types of employment are quite high, which is yet another great opportunity for young talent. The great part about esthetics, no matter what type, is that you always get to gain experience. There are tons of certificates available to enhance specific skills such as eye-lash extensions, hair removal practices and much more, so that you can basically make a name for yourself in your career.

The world of esthetics is fun, exciting and rewarding, you could even ask an esthetician yourself! Once you are certified, as mentioned, there are various employment positions. Throughout them all, there are definitely some common denominators between them, things that you can probably find no matter what job you take on.

Client and customer service.

Being an esthetician means to provide a service to customers who want to enhance a certain type of beauty feature by using their own knowledge and creativity, all while following safe health practices at the same time. This essentially means that you will always be working with the public and create experiences for them. Whether you’re doing this out of an office, privately, or out of your home, it is a very large part of the job, which means it’s important to master great customer service skills. This could mean; engaging in thoughtful conversations, greeting and smiling, listening to any wants and needs and basically anything else that comes with the skill of customer service.

Schedules and organization.

Providing a service and experience for clients means that you have to literally make the time for it. Some jobs do indeed have receptionists or assistants to sort out these small details, but it’s not always the case. It’s important to know how much time you, the esthetician, needs in order to create the best experience that the client requests. Knowing this in advance, is a huge benefit to you and or a possible team in terms of organization and again providing the best service for the customer/client. The last thing that you want is having an overlapping client or providing an inconvenience.

Your creativity! 

No matter what, this is the one thing that will be timeless and remain the same throughout any jobs. More often than enough, there will be instances where your own judgement, advice and input will be needed with a client. At the end of the day, you are the certified esthetician who knows what is happening in the health and beauty industry, which is why they trust your opinion the most. Whether they ask you what hairstyle looks best or what colour to choose on nails, the great part about the job is that you can always use your creative input.

The world of esthetics definitely has its ups and downs. However, at the end of the day, nothing is better knowing that you get to help make a difference in the beauty world. If you are a student who wants to learn more information about employment services at Trillium College, click here!